


Please provide a title of 50 characters or less for your article that describes its content. The title and subtitles should be in title case, and the title should be bolded. Try to include key words from the article itself in your title.




The byline will be italicized and will read as follows:


If the article is a reblog, it will include this line, also italicized, under the byline:



You must provide a brief bio of 100 words or less that describes yourself and any relevant information you wish to share. You may include contact information and the URL to your website or LinkedIn profile, if desired. 看看 这些描述 to be sure that your bio accurately represents your qualifications. The author bio will appear as follows, after the content of the blog post:

作者简介: Jane Doe is a freelance Esperanto to Klingon translator…


Each blog article (with the exception of reblogs) will be accompanied by one image. Authors who wish to choose their own image may do so and provide it to the TSN team when submitting the article. The TSN team reserves the right to choose a different image if we feel that the one you have chosen is not fitting for the blog or for that particular article, or if there is a risk that it infringes on copyrights. If you do not wish to choose your own blog image, the TSN team will do so for you when posting. 图像可以从,, etc.


内容必须是原创的, 除非这篇文章是重新写的, and it should not aim to advertise a particular product or service. 参考 TSN职位指引 有关如何为TSN编写的更多信息. Try to include the most important and most relevant information early in the article.



  • 当提到 精明的新人, 纪事报, or ATA编年史,请使用大写和斜体. 还要大写以下术语:ATA, 永利登录网址, 关联(当参考ATA时), ATA年会, ATA董事会, 和ATA董事会.
  • Uppercase the words Division, Committee, and Chapter only when used as part of an official title (e.g. “西班牙语部”; “该部门最近的活动包括……”). Uppercase ATA position titles only when preceding a name (e.g. “当选总统科琳·麦凯”; “当选总统发表了演讲”).
  • Do not capitalize academic degrees unless referring to the specific name of the degree (e.g. “水下篮子编织理学硕士”; “he received his master’s degree from Virginia Tech”).
  • Capitalize job titles only when they precede a person’s name (e.g. “巫师部经理杰米·哈茨”; “魔法部经理吩咐学生们……”).


  • Place a comma before the conjunction joining the last two items in a series.


  • 当用破折号代替逗号时, 括号, 或冒号, use the em dash (ctrl+alt+minus) rather than the en dash (ctrl+minus).

Owls—whose eyes are nearly immobile—must swivel their heads in order to see.

  • 加上逗号和句号 内部 结束引号.


  • 放置冒号和分号 结束引号.

She had told him, “We can’t play baseball today”; however, this was incorrect.

  • 放置感叹号和问号 内部 结束引号 only if they are part of the matter being quoted.




  • 避免大段, 把文本分成小段, 项目符号列表, 或者有编号的列表. 块报价, 表, 和短段落与具体, clear headings can also help to organize your writing more effectively.
  • Use the "Bottom Line Up Front" method for writing paragraphs; this means that the most important information should be at the start of the paragraph, because readers may skip the rest of your paragraph due to short online attention span.
  • Use bold and 斜体 to emphasize key words and ideas; introduce a bulleted  list; introduce new terms; and give short examples. 使用这些字体格式时要保持一致. Do not underline text except to indicate a hyperlink.
  • Avoid run-on sentences and sentence fragments (unless the latter is called for by the nature of the article).
  • 使用缩写时, always spell out the full term the first time it is used, followed by the acronym or abbreviation in 括号 (e.g. “精明的新人 (TSN)”). In subsequent occurrences of the term, use the acronym. Commonly-used acronyms like FBI, ATA, GPS, and so forth do not need to be spelled out.


  • 将所有博客名称斜体化.
  • Contractions are acceptable as long as they are not used in excess and suit the style of the article.
  • Hyperlinks are acceptable and even encouraged for some posts in order to build credibility and help your readers learn more. Be sure to include the link in-text with a description of what will be found at the link as the text (e.g. "More information about sloths can also be found in 这篇国家地理的文章."
  • Spell out numbers from one to ten; for all other numbers, use the numerical iteration.



  • Use US English conventions 除非这篇文章是重新写的 that already uses UK or other English conventions. Guest authors are asked to write new content with US English spelling and grammar (e.g. “社会化”而不是“社会化”); 梅里亚姆-韦伯斯特.com 用于拼写参考.
  • Use active voice, rather than passive voice, whenever possible.



  • Style considerations not discussed here will be at the discretion of the author and ultimately the TSN team; the team’s style decisions will generally be based on the Chicago Manual of Style.
  • 请记住 发布指导方针 写文章的时候.
  • 更多提示,请访问这篇文章 海伦Eby on 为网络写作.